Scorekeeping the way it was meant to be.
We've made scorecards so easy, you'll actually enjoy it! Here's why:
It's Super Easy
Nothing complicated here. Just enter your strokes and the rest is done for you.
"Make It Interesting"
We've got tons of games and we keep the tally so you know who owes what.
Go Big!
Play multiple games at the same time, place side bets, and add all the fun you can handle.
No More Errors
Gone are the days of math on the golf course. That's done automatically.
Get Paid
Now you can see in a glance whose paid you and who you owe.
Track Everything
See your stats, wins, and losses so you can swing for the green responsibly.
Go Green!
Join us in eliminating wasteful paper scorecards!
League Play Simplified
League management software that takes the hassle out of managing your league.
- Automatic score calculations for almost any game format.
- Scores are submitted from the app for league managers to review and approve.
- Customize your events to any frequency or size.
- Manage player handicaps and update handicaps for any event.
- Export all results for any custom calculations or scoring formats.